Yesterday I woke from a dream

Yesterday I woke from a dream

Yesterday I woke from a dream, I was in my childhood home, I was being shown around People were waiting for me to arrive as they wanted to show me where I once lived, where we ALL had once lived. At first, when I woke up, I couldn’t understand why the viewing...
So What’s She Up To Now?

So What’s She Up To Now?

Well, I think I’ve come full circle ⭕️ It’s been over three years since I ‘resigned’ from my corporate leadership development career in Hong Kong & for the second time it feels like I’ve come home. This story begins in a Contact Center in Hamilton, Scotland....
What Do Arnold Schwarzenegger And I Have In Common?

What Do Arnold Schwarzenegger And I Have In Common?

It’s clearly not the physical strength and body sculpting, that’s Simon’s lane. Perhaps it’s knowing, from a young age, that you belong to another country, perhaps. Could it be distinctive accents or that we both lost our only siblings and fathers at younger age...
And The Truth Will Set You free…

And The Truth Will Set You free…

A few days ago I completed my first RTT (Rapid Transformation Therapy) session with my own therapist. It was amazing and precisely the reset that I needed going into a year full of hope and expectations. Something that had been troubling my mind for decades came to...
Motherhood: Take Two

Motherhood: Take Two

I’m often asked about having 2 children 20 years apart. My standard response is “I feel like I’m at the sharp end of parenting them both”  Referring to the very crazy and very different antics of my 2 year old wild child and my 22 year old young adult.  So what’s...